Wednesday, September 2, 2009

National Equality March: The truth, the facts, the plans

National Equality March: The truth, the facts, the plans
Last week, allegations about the National Equality March in Washington, D.C. were flying around the Internet that organizers call "completely untrue". An article in the Washington Blade also brought up some concerns of D.C. LGBT lobbyists.

Tanner Effinger, assistant to main march organizer Cleve Jones, lays out the facts.....

[1:  There will be HIV/AIDS representation.
2.  Cleve Jones has not abandoned calls for marriage equality, or the repeal of DADT or DOMA.
3.  Resources better used elsewhere are not being wasted on the march.
4.  The march is not being organized by "Hollywood gays" who have no clue how D.C. politics work.
5.  The fact that Congress nor the President will be in town during the march isn't the point.
6.  The HRC and others LGBT groups are not nervous about the march.]

Read all the details at the source.

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